Statistics for Your Health Law Research


Adding interdisciplinary statistical data to your health law and policy writing can make your article or note stand out from the crowd. One easy way to find health statistics is by using Statista, a research platform that gives you instant access to statistics, industry reports, dossiers, forecasts, and other data. From Statista’s Health & Pharmaceuticals industry page, you can find statistics on health topics such as:

  • Percentage of Americans without health insurance
  • U.S. health care expenditure distribution by payer
  • Total Medicaid enrollment
  • Forecasted change in Medicare enrollment
  • Global medical technology industry revenue
  • Value of medical malpractice payments in U.S.
  • Medical malpractice payments as a percentage of overall health care
  • Revenue of top pharmaceuticals such as Humira, Lyrica, or Gleevec

For off-campus access to Statista, use your CSU ID and Scholar PIN.