Ask the Hiring Attorney

Have you read Bloomberg Law’s Blog called Ask the Hiring Attorney?  If not, you should!  This feature is included in your Bloomberg Law access and can be found in the bottom right hand corner after log-in under “Articles on Law School and Legal Careers”.  The articles are archived and can be of use to students in various situations.  For example some recent entries from the past year cover such topics as:

How do I ask for letters of recommendation for admission to my state bar?

If I’m trying to network into a job, should I still formally apply?

How do I show my bar status on my resume?

Should I talk about my bad grade in my interview?

How can I avoid stumbling on my words during an interview?

These are just some examples that you may find helpful.  You will also find law school success and study tips in the “Articles on Law School and Legal Careers” section of Bloomberg Law.