Personal Branding in One Hour for Lawyers

Before I opened Katy Goshtasbi’s Personal Branding in One Hour for Lawyers [Find it], I had the preconceived notion that the slim book would easily be summed up in two words: Join LinkedIn. Boy was I wrong.

Sure, I had heard of the concept of personal branding, and thought I had at least some idea of what it entailed. Ends up, I did not. LinkedIn is not even involved. What is involved is a whole personal universe of attitudes, behaviors, and communication styles.

Goshtasbi begins by explaining what personal branding is and why it matters. Then she gets into the specifics – covering conceptual and sometimes surprising topics like projecting joy (lawyers joyful?), unique selling propositions, and visual branding.

Throughout, Goshtasbi challenges you with thought-provoking self-assessment questions and prompts you to make a personal to do list based on each chapter.

Personal Branding in One Hour for Lawyers is part of an ABA Law Practice Division series of “one hour” books. Other titles in the series include: