Tips for Reining in Exam Stress

Psychology Today, a popular magazine and Web portal, regularly offers insight that can help students in times of stress. A recent article, 6 Tips For Not Freaking Out About End of Semester Stress, gives you six ways to rein in stress. Here are the highlights –

  • Monitor Your Mindset – change your perspective on the situation
  • Incorporate Self-Care for Coping  – stretching, deep breathing, mini-breaks
  • Maintain Reality – stay present and minimize worrying about future outcomes
  • Spot the Advantage – become your own best stress expert
  • Maximize Your Brain Space – get your thoughts out of your head and on paper or your laptop
  • Avoid Isolation – fight the urge to run and hide

You can also try incorporating one or two stress relievers in and about the library, law school, or campus-

  • If you’re a creature of habit (same study room or carrel), try mixing it up with a different library study spot.
  • Reserve your study room early so you avoid any last minute disappointment if it ends up the rooms are all booked.
  • Print out your outlines early in the computer lab, and avoid a crowd of your classmates.
  • Take advantage of coffee breaks around the law school, or go to a nearby café.
  • Eat lunch for a change in the grassy areas outside the school.
  • Take a walk around campus to clear your mind.
  • Try a free exercise class offered at the Recreation Center for an active and refreshing study break.