Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence

Scholars and students of international law, human rights, and genocide studies will be interested in the Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence, a peer reviewed online publication that provides chronological indexes and case studies of areas of mass violence. The site is easiest to navigate through the clickable world map, which leads you to regional maps, and ultimately individual country information. For example, by clicking on Africa, then Rwanda, the researcher is led to a chronological index of mass violence in Rwanda from 1867 to 1994, and well as scholarly reviews on topics such as the Interhamwe, the Rwandan Popular Front, and key figures such as Théonste Bagosora and Juvénal Habyarimana. Similar materials (in English and French) are available for countries such as the former Yugoslavia, Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Pakistan. The Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence was launched in 2004 and is maintained as an open access resource by Sciences Po Paris, a university in Paris, France.