CSU Worldcat: Search Books, Articles, C|M LAW Library, Other libraries in One Search!

If you are writing a paper or law review article, doing law review subciting,  or looking for an obscure item, you will want to give CSU Worldcat a try.  It searches for articles, as well as books.  Worldcat also searches other library catalogs as well as Scholar (C|M|LAW and CSU).    There is a search box for CSU Worldcat on the library homepage, as shown in the picture above.

CSU Worldcat searches   Ohiolink library catalogs and libraries Worldwide, as well as Scholar, all in one search.  The Scholar results are listed first, followed by Ohiolink results and lastly by results from libraries worldwide.    Ohiolink items can be ordered directly from CSU Worldcat, while items from libraries worldwide can be ordered via Interlibrary Loan.

Additionally, CSU Worldcat searches databases, so your search retrieves articles as well as books.  To see what databases are searched, and to add more, go to  Advanced Worldcat Search.  You may want to add the Legal Collection database, which contains law review articles.  Lexis and Westlaw can not be included in the Worldcat search.

Results can be filtered by format (book, article, video, etc.), database, author and more.   Advanced Worldcat Search allows field searching for title, author, date, location and format, and allows one to select databases searched.

For help, see WorldCat FAQ.