Work With Us People!

Study rooms can be frustrating this time of year, but if you work with the staff person at the desk, the whole process can go much smoother for you. Did you know there are 16 available study rooms and 168 first year Law Students alone? Here are a few tips, and rules of etiquette, that may help you to get through this years study room rush:
1.) Don’t be overly shy about asking someone to leave the room that you have reserved. A staff member can assist you if you don’t feel comfortable doing this. The person in your room has either not signed out the room or their time has expired. Do not just choose another room without letting us know.
2.) Study rooms can only be reserved for 3 hours a day. So choose your time wisely.
3.) Please remember to bring your slip with you to your study room.
4.) If you are unable to make it for your assigned time, please let us know so we can free up the room for someone else.
5.) If the wireless connection is not working in your room, ethernet cables are available for check-out from the Access Services desk.
6.) Rooms can be reserved in person, via E-Mail, or phone (216) 687-2250.
7.) Consider using a study carrel, or the Michael Schwartz Library if you’d prefer to study “alone”. Many of our study carrels are equipped with plugs that connect directly to the internet.
8.) Refer to Amy Burchfield’s recent blog post on how to make the most of your study group, which discusses how to choose between studying in a group or on your own.
9.) The Law Student Lounge may be a good retreat for you. It is on the 1st floor of the Law Library and it has a microwave and a refrigerator. It is not a quiet area, but you may be able to catch up on the latest gossip with your friends, and discuss how they are coming along with their studying.
10.) You may have wondered, “what’s the deal with all the non-law students using the study rooms?”. It’s perfectly fine for non-law students to occupy a study room, but Law Students have first priority in the use of study rooms if they have a signed reservation form.

-Happy Studying.