Databases for Summer Use- Wexis Alternatives

This is the same list printed in the library’s column in April edition of  The Gavel. Note one update:  LoisLaw, will likely be going away in about a month.

Alternatives to LexisNexis and Westlaw available for summer use (as well as all year):

LexisNexis Academic has cases with headnotes, annotated statutes and regulations for the federal government and each of the fifty states.   Law review articles, news and a few secondary sources such as American Jurisprudence are accessible.

CCH Intelliconnect includes primary and secondary sources for certain topical areas such as labor and employment law, securities, health care, intellectual property and more.  For remote access, you must have logged in on campus within the prior 45 days.

BNA includes primary and secondary sources for certain topical areas such as labor and employment law, intellectual property and legal ethics.

HeinOnline has law reviews going back much further than LexisNexis and Westlaw, current and historic CFR and Federal Register and more.

Knowledge Mosaic contains Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings in a database with advanced searching capabilities.  SEC filings can be used to research companies or to find sample transactional documents.  Knowledge Mosaic also has a large collection of law firm memos on various issues of interest to clients.


Casemaker provides cases, statutes and more, free when you sign up for a free student membership with the Ohio State Bar Association.  Go to MembershipInformation.aspx to sign up.

There are many more, available via the library’s Law Databases page. Some of these databases require entering your name, CSU Id and Scholar PIN for remote access.

Of course, your employer may make Westlaw, LexisNexis or other databases available to you, or your employer may be a member of the Cleveland Law Library, which has many databases available.

Photo:  by Innisfree Hotels